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Dental Price List

TreatmentsSwiss Prices (EUR)Our Prices (EUR)Your Savings (EUR)Your Savings (%)
Professional ZOOM teeth whitening
Porcelain crown
Full ceramic crown2'2502451'96087%
Porcelain crown fused to metal1'9002101'66087%
Zirconia crown2'4003402'06086%
Cleaning and scaling2306516070%
Extraction (surgical)7009955079%
Extraction (simple)2604920579%
Implant (Alpha Bio) + abutment + crown, total price3'6009102'69075%
Alpha Bio Implant 2'0005001'50075%
Alpha Bio Implant + abutment (without crown)2'7006702'03075%
Ankylos Implant 2'7006702'03075%
MIS Implant2'1505301'62075%
Nobel Replace Implant2'8006902'11075%
Composite Filling57010546582%
Removable denture 1'35049983062%
Root canal (any tooth)4007830075%
Dental fees, indicative dental care price list. We will confirm the exact price in an official estimate based on your medical records. That offer will be sent via electronic mail before we organize your meeting. A final quote will be established during your first consultation. In rare cases, treatments may be adjusted according to the situation following the free consultation in Budapest. We will in that case establish a second offer, which you will be able to validate. You will be able to undergo the treatment on the same day. For more informations on our dental care, click on this link.

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